Love Lane wildlife wildflower orchard meadow

Love Lane update:

The resolution we arrived at during yesterdays PEN meeting at Redwing Gallery was that as the wildlife/wildflower/orchard/garden/meadow at Love Lane is now being managed by local residents and Cormac, the former veg plots should be incorporated into the site as a whole, with no dividing fence or gate. It seems more satisfactory that no conflict of interest will arise as a result of people wishing to grow their own vegetables on a site which has always been designated as a community space. PEN’s aims include helping members of the community access green spaces, but in a community capacity. The site at Love Lane continues to be an area of great amenity value, and if PEN has played a role in helping preserve its green status and preventing any form of development on the site in line with the wishes of its late former owner, then this is of benefit to everyone. Long may it continue to be a valuable resource and precious green space for the west side of Penzance.

This marks a turning point in the history of PEN’s involvement with the site, and while there is the option for former plot-holders to get involved with site management organised by Cormac, there is also the possibility of new ideas for the integration of the former veg plots and the tool storage container. It is hoped that this will be a new beginning for the wildlife orchard meadow at Love Lane, and it will be interesting to see how it goes forward and evolves. Thank you to everyone who looks after and enjoys the space, it is such an important resource for all in the community.

The one request from former plot-holders was that there be a concerted effort to let people know about upcoming events and management days, and this includes those not on social media or on previous email lists. Hopefully these people will get to hear about any pruning sessions or management work parties, so that everyone is included and has the option of attending.

PEN meeting, 2:30pm on Saturday 15th February 2025 at Redwing Gallery, 32 Alverton St, Penzance TR18 2QN

We’re having a meeting at Redwing on 15th February at 2.30pm, to discuss the PEN projects and look at where funding and resources should be allocated. Since Love Lane started to be managed by local residents and Cormac, we need some practical resolution to issues pertaining to the veg plots and their use/disuse and apparent vandalism of these areas. There exists some contention or ambiguity around the purpose of these, and while it is not for any of us to undermine any agreements or acts of good volition with regards to helping people access land and grow plants, we have to ask whether this is a viable project for PEN to support given changes that have occurred with the overall management of the site. We unfortunately don’t have any agreement with the owners regarding these veg plots, and I don’t know how the situation can be improved, with regards to reports of the plots being abandoned or neglected, with site boundaries or fences & gates being damaged. If it were a going concern and people were really keen and engaged consistently then of course this seems a worthwhile cause, but we need to establish whether this is a projection of reality or fantasy. On a public site where nothing can be secure, will people really commit (other than with a verbal communication in principle) to growing vegetables? With all the hard work required on a site with poor access, are plotholders going to pull together on this? As a trustee, I would like to see an attempt at establishing communication with the owners (Cormac on behalf of Cornwall Council) that comes from a trustee or coordinator of that project, otherwise in the absence of this basic agreement going forward, can we call it a PEN project and spend limited finances of PEN on repairing infrastructure etc? Call me biased, because I am working fairly exclusively on the Millennium Woods Project, which unlike Love Lane has historically had no funds allocated for its management, and could really do with them now for various tasks. But please get involved in the conversation and say your piece, how you feel about these sites and what they represent, that we may hear everyone out who has a vested interest in the veg plots, and see where this takes us. Remember that PEN is a vehicle for us all to use to further its aims, which includes elements of environmental and ecological education and awareness, natural amenity and resources, and networking for local, social and economic resilience and sustainability. PEN still needs fresh blood, new trustees and people willing to give a little time to administer the charity, and volunteers, to engage the community and access local green spaces…

Best wishes,
On behalf of Penwith Environmental Network (PEN)

Millennium Woods volunteer session Saturday 18th January 2025 10am-2pm

Hi everyone, we are hoping to reconvene in Millennium Woods for the next in our current series of volunteer work parties. Gloves and a billhook will be all the tools most will require to help deal with large volumes of brash. We will share the fresh harvested wood so once you’ve helped with the hard work, fill your boot with loot to take home and season for next winter.

Hope to see you there weather permitting!

Old photo

Find the location here:

Or here:

PEN annual general meeting 11AM Saturday 21st August at Redwing Gallery, Wood St. Penzance

It is a week to go until Penzance based charity Penwith Environment Network’s (possibly 24th?) annual general meeting. Traditionally meetings were held in The Dolphin pub, and nowadays Redwing Gallery is PEN’s kind host.

Come along to renew memberships, meet new people interested in carrying PEN forward, and celebrate all that PEN has achieved so far.

“Spirit of the Trees” exhibition

Thanks to Ros & Peter, this exhibition starts today, Saturday 12th September, upstairs at Redwing Gallery, Wood St. Penzance.

A mixture of 2D and 3D artwork is on display, and the exhibition runs for a whole month. The gallery proprietors are donating all entry fees (£10 per entry) to PEN.

Hedge laying: boundary complete!

A group led by Jason Applebee from Cornwall Wildlife Trust recently finished laying a hedge along a the edge of Millennium Woods. This was a follow up to the work they started on the hedge last year and the year before. Thanks everyone, for braving the wild weather and completing such a fine hedge habitat.

Volunteer work day

Love Lane wildlife garden is holding a community working day

Wednesday 17th April 10am – 3pm

Volunteers are asked to wear appropriate clothing for the day. You may wish to bring a change of clothes as it could be muddy. Waterproof, long sleeved clothing and sturdy outdoor footwear are essential.

bring lunch and drinks and come enjoy the day with us and green infrastructure for growth who have been helping us with lots of work over the winter.

new benches provided by GIFG

Our day will look a bit like this

10am Tool Talk and H&S briefing
10.15am – 11.30 Meadow surround planting with plug plants
(break) Litter pick across site
11.45 – 1pm Raking cut meadow areas

Pruning around lower entrance

1 – 1.45pm Lunch
1.45 – 3pm Pruning in woodland area to clear patch

Litterpick woodland
Mulching paths

3.15pm Clear up and congratulate the team!

everyone is welcome,

If you want to know more about PEN and maybe join then ask for Ian on the day.