PEN is looking for volunteers to help create and manage wildlife sites in Penwith. Volunteers must be able to self manage and be proactive
At two sites around Penzance: Millennium Woods and Love Lane Wildlife Garden there are opportunities to learn skills while having fun and learning about Penwith’s unique wildlife.
Trustees: PEN needs a board (committee) of directors or trustees to function as per PEN’s obligations as a charity as written in its constitution (click on Constitution tab in About Us page). We require a minimum of 3 trustees for a quorum to make decisions, and administer the charity with ideally the positions of Chairman, Treasurer, and secretary, but more trustees to share that process would be great. If anyone would like to step in and support PEN in this way, please get in touch. Meetings in person are quarterly, and normally hosted on a Saturday by the wonderful community hub and art café, Redwing Gallery in Penzance.
Online: Social Media Champion. Do you have social media skills and want to help us get noticed in the busy online world? we need your help to manage our Facebook page (look for Penwith Environmental Network) and look at other networks we can usefully engage with. We need a high quality online presence!
Photography: Are you good at photography, and want to practice by helping PEN with new images and/or promotional videos? Please get in touch
Web: Do you have computer skills and want to volunteer them to help PEN with its website? It could definitely do with a spruce up!
Librarian: Are you good with books, and can’t wait to help PEN by organising its library and making PEN’s resources accessible to its members?
Millennium woods: Like to help out in the woods? Team members needed to help out at our regular volunteer days.
Membership: Do you have a special gift of organisational capacity, that you could help organise and manage (oh, and boost!) PEN memberships? We’d love your help with that.
PEN would like to encourage the local community to participate in the projects, and it is hoped that through active involvement in creating space for nature we can increase our understanding and appreciation of the natural world. Current activities include planting trees and wildflowers, clearing scrub, creating paths, composting, green wood working, in fact the scope is endless and we welcome people to come and help in anyway they feel inspired to. Members of the group include people with young children. Families are welcome to come and participate as long as you keep control of the kids, sharp tools and ditches can be a hazard.
For information / contact details for the different sites or projects, click on the various link with the ‘Projects’ button above.
For more information about Love Lane email
For more information about Millennium Woods email